
Chrissy Gonzalez

Frontend engineer
based in Brooklyn, NY


I'm a frontend software engineer with over three years of experience building applications using React, Typescript, and Electron. I'm currently working towards an MS in Computer Science at NYU Tandon and building small projects on the side.

  • Birds in the Neighborhood

    Birds in the Neighborhood app

    Birds in the Neighborhood is an eBird client for exploring recent bird observations within the United States. Built using the eBird API 2.0 and Vite, React, Typescript, and the Google Maps API, it lists birds recently seen by date, name, or location.


Before switching to engineering, I earned an MFA in Visual Communication Design from the University of Washington, then spent more than a decade designing software products for companies such as MongoDB, Etsy, Google, and Intuit.

  • MongoDB

    MongoDB Support Portal

    At MongoDB, I worked on tools for the highly technical product support team, as well as Atlas (a fully-managed cloud database) and the first, experimental version of Atlas Data Lake (an “analytic-optimized object storage service for extracted data”).

  • Etsy

    Shop vetting in Etsy's internal tool Stash

    At Etsy, I worked on internal tools, including one for A/B testing marketing emails, and another for reviewing and finding previously reviewed shops in an easier and more efficient manner.

  • Google

    Spec for Google account switcher

    At Google, I was a contractor on the Identity team, where I worked on the account sign up and sign in flows, and on tools that let you manage your identity across Google products.